Chapter 4

Best Specialty Weapon for Your Fortnite Loadout

Best Specialty Weapon for Your Fortnite Loadout

Chapter 4 has introduced a variety of new and wildly fun weapons for players to utilize. Each of these weapons can create chaos in various Battle Royale Scenarios with a large number of explosive options:

New: Ex-Caliber Rifle
Un-Vaulted: Stink, Explosive, Shockwave, Flame Bow, and Rocket Launcher

In order to make sense of these additions, let’s run some numbers on their performance to refine down the options. In this analysis we will consider:

  1. Why are these weapons considered specialty weapons?
  2. Which bow is best?
  3. Which specialty weapon is most lethal?
  4. How does structural damage factor in to the decision?

As a reminder many of the analysis that we do should serve as an input into your decision making process and not the sole determining factor. There are unquantifiable elements of each weapon, gun, item, etc. that might tip the scales when it comes to making your load out. If you would like to learn about Long Range weapons or Short Range Weapons follow the links. 

Let's find out which weapons (if any) should make it into your load out!

1. Why are these weapons considered specialty weapons?

The reality of these types of weapons is that there are a number of more effective options when battling your opponent. As is the case in reality, in Chapter 4 you wouldn't want to be using a bow and arrow to compete against an Assault Rifle. Although, there is something to be said for getting head shot kills with any of the bows. Consider these to be potential third gun options in your load out and don't expect them to be our primary weapon. 

2. Which bow is best?

It is not immediately obvious given the number of options you have available to you in Chapter 4 that all bows perform virtually the same with the only difference coming from the type of explosive attached to the arrow. These can be used situationally to your advantage. 

  1. Stink Bow - Indoor or enclosed locations are best for this bow variant as the gas released can continue to injure opponents after it is delivered. 
  2. Flame Bow - Wooden structures or grassy areas are particularly receptive to usage of the Flame bow due to it's propensity to spread flame in these environments.
  3. Shockwave Bow - One usable shockwave tactic is to push opponents into the storm or out of cover making this a good potential late game option.
  4. Explosive Bow - Explosive options tend to work better in enclosed spaces or if there is a significant positioning advantage in terms of height. Firing down into a courtyard or other enclosed area should help ensure that the bow and the explosive charge are able to deal damage.

3. Which weapon is most lethal?

Bows are the most lethal option of this bunch but they aren't particularly effective in general. When it comes to specialty weapons we also need to take into account another important strategic dimension, structural damage.

4. How does structural damage factor in?

When comparing Legendary tier level of weapons, it is clear that the rocket launcher is a weapon that is capable of leveling structures in a way that other weapons simply can't. You also don't have to worry too much situationally as all damageable structures can be damaged with this weapon. As a result, if we are considering adding a third gun to a load out, this advantage could quite easily pay dividends.


As should be clear from this analysis, there are a subset of specialty weapons in Fortnite that can serve a role but should be relied on as kill "work horses", a best in class long range and short range option should fill that void, however, this doesn't mean there is not a roll for these types of weapons.  The following represent our conclusions for this topic:

  • These specialty weapons should not be used as primary weapons as there are far superior and lethal weapon options.
  • All bows perform the same it’s just a question of which type of bow meets the needs of a particular situation.
  • The bow is the most lethal option, however, highly tiered Rocket Launchers paired with their ability to destroy structures are likely the best option.
    • Note: The only thing that users need to consider is the travel time of rockets fired which are far slower than arrows, bullets, or swords.

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