
22. How to Save $510 per year by Reducing your Utilities Expenses

22. How to Save $510 per year by Reducing your Utilities Expenses

In the spectrum of saving strategies trying to save on your utilities is probably the least exciting area of exploration. However, in the interest of being thorough let's consider it. I personally spend about $1000 a year on utilities and others likely more so its take a look to see if there are any spend efficiencies. 

As a matter of course, I want to start by saying that I am not interested in people reducing their consumption of utilities like turning off the heat in the winter or keeping the lights off during the day. The introduction of these public utilities is a large reason we have graduated from medieval ages. Additionally, in the vast majority of cases the inconvenience of these activities outweighs any economic advantage. However, I am a proponent of being smart with your consumption and making changes on the margin to save some money. Because this is certainly an area like others that you can save some money. First, let's be clear about what we mean by utilities. 

Types of Utilities 

  1. Gas -  The mechanism that heats things in your apartment whether that is heat (via a radiator), hot water, or an oven. 
  2. Electric - Generally restricted to the lights, electronic devices, air conditioning if you require its use, and your laundry machines.
  3. Water - self explanatory.
  4. Trash - also self explanatory.

Generally speaking, gas and electric will be your highest expenses followed by water. (Trash is also relatively expensive but there is very little you can do about your trash bill.)

Effectively, if you are trying to reduce your energy bills generally you are going to have to: 

1. Try to reduce your electricity consumption by avoiding unnecessary usage, reducing the time you use the appliance for, or ensuring that the appliance is energy efficient when in use. 

2. Replicate the above strategy for heating of any type 


  1. [Gas] Turn down your heat at night - Generally speaking the best sleep temperature is had between the temperatures of 60-65 degrees, so consider turning down the thermostat over night to gain better sleep and spend less over time. You can save up to 15% off your monthly heating bill according to the department of energy
  2. [Gas] Lower your heat while you are out, don't turn it off - Generally speaking heating systems require a large amount of energy to significantly change the temperature of an enclosed space and require less energy to maintain the temperature in a space. Not to mention that in very cold environments you could avoid pipes freezing by maintaining a lower internal instead of completely shutting off your heat.
  3. [Water] Take showers, not baths - According to the EPA, showers use 64% less water than an equivalent bath. 
  4. [Water] Test your Toilet - A leaking toilet can cost you 200 gallons a day in water consumption. Test this by dropping some food coloring in the toilet tank and checking to see if the dye makes its way into the toilet bowl after ten minutes if it does you have a leak.
  5.  [Water] Reduce or Re -Time your Irrigation - Reducing lawn watering or moving irrigation to earlier in the day can save your water consumption materially. 
  6. [All] Consider relocating - if you are really concerned about it, as absurd as it sounds temperate environments like California use considerably fewer utilities year round as the need for Air Conditioning and Heat is considerably lower than Northeastern or Southern climates.

Additional Options proposed by PG&E: (Savings figures were calculated by PGE)

  1. Turn off Lights when you leave the Room - up to $45 per year
  2. Unplug Electronics when not in use or turn off power strips - up to $75 per year
  3. Install water efficient shower heads - up to $45 per year
  4. If buying a TV choose an efficient television - up to $75 per year
  5. Let light into your house or apartment to warm the house during winter months - up to $10 per year
  6. Shave a minute off your shower time - up to $50 per year
  7. Run full dishwasher loads - up to $10 per year
  8. Set your refrigerator temperature to 38 degrees - up to $20 per year
  9. Make sure refrigerator seal is tight - up to $25 per year
  10. Lower the brightness of your television display - up to $10 per year
  11. Using Light dimmers can save $35 per year
  12. Clean the back of your refrigerator coils - up to $10 per year
  13. Use spotlight desk lamps to light workspace - up to $40 per year


Many people fixate and over index on the amount they can save on utilities but consistently turning down the heat to uncomfortable levels or significantly rationing their electric or water usage.

One way to mitigate these fears is to allow them to materialize and see what happens. One way that you can get a sense for what comfort or abundance costs is to allow the use of your utilities at comfortable levels for an entire month. At the end of the month you can review your energy bill and make a decision if the cost was worth the reward. I think in many cases you will realize that the reward outweighs the cost. 


In the next blog we will talk about phone bills and how to reduce it to save $50 a month.







Reading next

21. How to Negotiate your Rent and Save $3,600 per year
23. How to Save $833 annually by Cutting Your Phone Bill in Half

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