
Blog #5: Where do we start the journey?

Blog #5: Where do we start the journey?

Blog #5 in the series on success foundations, Context: age 28, male

When most people think of success they think of the things lauded by the media, fancy things, big accomplishments and many times people seem to think that these alone breed a successful life. But the reality is very different, success in reality is a much broader, more complicated concept than making a lot of money. Fortunately, Abraham Maslow has given us a basic notion of the levels of success in his Hierarchy of Needs: 

Source: Link

Maslow’s Hierarchy is a classic psychological dynamic that describes human well being as a pyramid with the foundational elements at the bottom and what we generally associate with success at the top. Implying to us that success is a process of first fulfilling fundamental needs and then working our way up to higher levels of accomplishment all in pursuit of self actualization. As you can imagine, missing key foundational pieces (ie. lower levels of the pyramid) undermine the ability to progress up the pyramid to higher levels of fulfillment. In a similar way, we will create structure around reaching self-actualization in the contents of this blog. 

Reading next

Blog #2: What are the chances of becoming a public figure?
Blog #6: Turning Maslov’s Needs into Actions

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